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来源:正和商标事务有限公司 发布日期:2016/1/27


一南美安第斯组织(Andean Community)
安第斯组织成员国包括玻利维亚、智利(1976年退出)、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、委内瑞拉(2006年退出)等国。2000年9月份,该组织成员国签署486号决议,就工业产权保护的基本条款达成统一意见。该协议也被称为卡塔赫纳工业产权协议(Cartagena Agreement)。
(c)盗用标识的声望或者名气。第3款规定:这样的使用应该是可以在任何媒体或者通讯中可被观察到的,包括电子媒体中。英文原文为:Article 226Unauthorized use of thewellknown distinctive sign shall be constituted by use of allor an essential part of it,or of a reproduction,imitation,translation or transliteration of it,that is liable to create confu- sion in relation to identical or similar establishments,activities,goods or services to which it is applied.
Unauthorized use of the wellknown distinctive sign shallalso be constituted by the use of all or an essential part of it,orof a reproduction,imitation,translation or transliteration ofit,even in relation to different establishments,activities,goodsor services to which the wellknown sign is applied,or its usefor noncommercial purposes,where such use is liable to haveany of the following effects:
(a)A risk of confusion or association with the owner ofthe sign or with his establishments,activities,goods or ser-vices:
(b)Unfair economic or commercial harm to the owner ofthe sign through dilution of the distinctiveness or commercial oradvertising value of the sign:or
(c)Misappropriation of the prestige or notoriety of thesign.
Such use may have been observed in any medium of com-munication,including electronic media.二南非(South Africa)
(17)注册与驰名商标相同或者近似的标识,无论是否产生欺骗或者混淆,如果寻求注册的该标识的使用将会不当获利,或者对注册商标的显著性造成损害,除非商标权人同意该标识的注册。英文原文为:The following marks shall not be registered astrade marks or,if registered,shall,subject to the provisionsof sections 3and 70,be liable to be removed from the register:
(17)A mark which is identical or similar to a mark whichis already registered and which is well known in the republic,if the use of the mark sought to be registered would be likely totake unfair advantage of,or be detrimental to,the distinctivecharacter or the repute of the registered trade mark,notwith-standing the absence of deception or confusion,unless the pro-prietor of such trade mark consents to the registration of suchmark.
(c)非经授权,在商业中将注册与商标相同或者类似的标识使用在任何商品或者服务上,假如该商标为公众所周知,并且对于该标识的使用将可能不当获利,或者对注册商标的显著性造成损害的,无论是否产生欺骗或者混淆。英文原文为:Article34Infringement of registered trade mark.
(1)The rights acquired by registration of a trade markshall be infringed by...
(c)the unauthorized use in the course of trade in relationto any goods or services of a mark which is identical or similarto a trade mark registered,if such trade mark is well known inthe Republic and the use of the said mark would be likely to takeunfair advantage of,or be detrimental to,the distinctive char-acter or the repute of the registered trade mark,notwithstand-ing the absence of confusion or deception:...

版权所有:连云港正和商标事务有限公司    苏ICP备09056459号

地址: 连云港市新浦区海连路43号南光大厦115号 电话:0518-88880518 手机:13305131355

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